Category 09.09 Writing Process

The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and use appropriate conventions. The student is expected to:

(A) plan a piece of writing appropriate for various purposes and audiences by generating ideas through a range of strategies such as brainstorming, journaling, reading, or discussing;

(B) develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing in timed and open-ended situations by:

(i) using an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, topic, and context; and

(ii) developing an engaging idea reflecting depth of thought with specific details, examples, and commentary;

(C) revise drafts to improve clarity, development, organization, style, diction, and sentence effectiveness, including use of parallel constructions and placement of phrases and dependent clauses;

(D) edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:

(i) a variety of complete, controlled sentences and avoidance of unintentional splices, run-ons, and fragments;

(ii) consistent, appropriate use of verb tense and active and passive voice;

(iii) pronoun-antecedent agreement;

(iv) correct capitalization;

(v) punctuation, including commas, semicolons, colons, and dashes to set off phrases and clauses as appropriate; and

(vi) correct spelling; and

(E) publish written work for appropriate audiences.

Lesson Plans December 16-20 Lesson Plans

December 2-5,2024

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October 21-25, 2024

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Lesson Plans October 7-11, 2024

Weekly Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans: February 5 – 9

Honors English I 2/5  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Write Like a Pro 2/6  LTOTW:  paradox; EOC Extended Constructed Response:  Introductory Paragraph Writing 2/7  EOC Extended Constructed Response:  It says/It means practice 2/8  EOC Extended Constructed Response: … Continue Reading →

Lesson Plans: January 8 – 12

Honors English I  & English I 1/8  Teacher Workday 1/9  LTOTW:  allusion; Review Classroom Expectations; EOC Editing Practice 1/10  Night:  Students will do author background research on Elie Wiesel before beginning the study of his memoir 1/11  EOC Editing Practice Review;… Continue Reading →

Lesson Plans: December 11 – 15

Honors English I 12/11  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Binders DUE Wednesday and Unit Exam Wednesday 12/12  LTOTW:  2nd Quarter Chart is DUE; Greek Mythology:  Binders DUE tomorrow and Unit Exam tomorrow 12/13  Greek Mythology Exam; Binders DUE 12/14 … Continue Reading →

Lesson Plans: November 27 – December 1

Honors English I 11/27  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 6 flashcards DUE Friday 12/1 TEST Friday 12/8; Greek Mythology:  Students will read the myth of Psyche & Eros, completing notes and character flashcards as they go over Psyche,… Continue Reading →

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