Category 09.06 Literary Elements

The student recognizes and analyzes literary elements within and across increasingly complex traditional, contemporary, classical, and diverse literary texts. The student is expected to:

(A) analyze how themes are developed through characterization and plot in a variety of literary texts;

(B) analyze how authors develop complex yet believable characters in works of fiction through a range of literary devices, including character foils;

(C) analyze non-linear plot development such as flashbacks, foreshadowing, subplots, and parallel plot structures and compare it to linear plot development; and

(D) analyze how the setting influences the theme.

Lesson Plans: September 13 – 17

It’s Homecoming Week! Follow Stuco on Instagram for each day’s dress up themes! Honors English I 9/13  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 2 flashcards DUE Friday and TEST 9/24; Personal Narrative Unit TEST Wednesday 9/14  LTOTW:  foil; Personal… Continue Reading →

December 7 – 11

Honors English I 12/7  Expository Essay:  Students will share their rough drafts with a classmate who will identify the various parts of an essay and use the correction codes for revision and edit; SAT Vocabulary List 5 TEST Friday 12/8 … Continue Reading →

November 30 – December 4

Honors English I & English I 11/30  MUGshot Monday – editing exercise (corrected sentences are posted in Google Classroom); SAT Vocabulary List 5 flashcards are DUE Friday, TEST Friday 11/11 12/1  LTOTW:  soliloquy – a long speech made by a… Continue Reading →

Lesson Plans November 2 – 6

Honors English I 11/2  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will work on plot diagram DUE 11/4 Test 11/5 11/3  Band is at competition all day; LTOTW:  characterization; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will work… Continue Reading →

Lesson Plans: October 26 – 30

Honors English I 10/26  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Grammar:  Complements Review for TEST Tomorrow; Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde:  Students will read chapters 5 & 6 in class, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocabulary List 3 TEST Friday 10/27 … Continue Reading →

Lesson Plans: October 12 – 16

Honors English I 10/12  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Greek Mythology:  Students will organize binders which are DUE tomorrow, study for TEST tomorrow, and review TEXXEXXT method of writing along with the essay grading rubric in preparation for in-class essay writing… Continue Reading →

Lesson Plans: August 31 – Sept 9

Short Stories, lessons, activities, and quizzes are in Edgenuity.  You access Edgenuity through Classlink accessed through your school email address. Honors English I 8/31 & 9/1  LTOTW:  anti-hero – a central character who lacks conventional heroic qualities; they blur the… Continue Reading →

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