Honors English I

2/7  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Expository Writing: Students will review the grading rubric, take notes over construction of expository essay, and practice creating an outline for writing

2/8  LTOTW:  onomatopoeia; Expository Writing:  Students will complete notes over outlines begun yesterday, and brainstorm ideas for hooks

2/9  Expository Writing:  Students will choose a prompt and begin crafting their outline for an expository essay

2/10 Expository Writing:  Students will follow their outline and begin writing a rough draft of an expository essay; GimKit review for Vocab List 7 TEST tomorrow

2/11  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST

English I

2/7  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Review Comma Rules 1-6 for QUIZ Tomorrow

2/8  LTOTW:  onomatopoeia; Comma Rules QUIZ

2/9  Expository Writing:  Students will be introduced to TEXXEXXT method of paragraph writing

2/10  Expository Writing:  Students will follow the TEXXEXXT method and write a paragraph in response to provided prompt; GimKit review for Vocab List 7 TEST tomorrow

2/11  SAT Vocabulary List 7 TEST