Honors English I

1/31  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; Comma Rules #1-6 review for Quiz tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE 2/4 and TEST 2/11

2/1  LTOTW:  nemesis; Comma Rule QUIZ

2/2 Counselor Visit regarding transcripts and scheduling for sophomore year

2/3  Expository Writing

2/4  Expository Writing

English I

1/31  MUGshot Monday editing exercise; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE 2/4 and TEST 2/11

2/1  LTOTW:  nemesis; Comma Rules #5-6 – Students will add the last two comma rules to their journals before adding commas to sentences and writing original sentences following these rules

2/2  Counselor Visit regarding transcripts and scheduling for sophomore year

2/3  Comma Rules #1-6 review for QUIZ tomorrow; SAT Vocabulary List 7 flashcards DUE tomorrow and TEST 2/11

2/4  Comma Rules QUIZ; Reading Day for Book Talks on February 28 & March 1