Honors English I
10/19 NO SCHOOL!! I hope you’re resting and enjoying your day!
10/20 LTOTW: diction; Grammar: Direct/Indirect Object Quiz; Jekyll & Hyde: Students will begin their novel study with background research on Robert Louis Stevenson; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE 10/23 TEST 10/30
10/21 Jekyll & Hyde: Unit introduction and expectations; Students will read chapter 1, answering study questions as they go
10/22 Grammar: Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; Jekyll & Hyde: Students will read chapters 2 & 3, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE tomorrow
10/23 Grammar: Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; Jekyll & Hyde: Students will read chapter 4, answering study questions as they go; SAT Vocab List 3 TEST 10/30
English I
10/19 NO SCHOOL!! I hope you’re resting and enjoying your day!
10/20 LTOTW: diction; Grammar: Direct/Indirect Object Review, QUIZ tomorrow; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE 10/23 TEST 10/30
10/21 Grammar: Direct/Indirect Object Quiz; Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives
10/22 Grammar: Predicate Nominatives & Predicate Adjectives; SAT Vocab List 3 flashcards DUE tomorrow
10/23 Sustained Silent Reading of Self-Selected Novel; SAT Vocab List 3 TEST 10/30
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